Minggu, 23 Mei 2010
Jiaaaaahh,,,, vampir jaman sekarang cakep-cakep
mungkin pada ketawa liat judul diatas,,,
tapi ini memang yang terjadi pada para vampir di abad 21 ini, hihihihi...
mereka semua berubah jadi cakep-cakep n cantik-cantik...
terutama para vampir cowoknya,,
bikin semua fans-fans nya pada ngiler,,,
sebut aja dari Erward-nya The Twilight Saga, trus The Salvatore's Brother-nya the Vampire Diaries, sampe Bill-ny True Blood...
Para vampir cowok ini ga hanya cakep n punya berbagai macam kekuatan supranatural, tapi juga diceritakan sangat mencintai pasangannya, hingga rela melakukan apa aja demi melindungi pasangannya, so cute...
ini yang bikin cewek-cewek tambah termehek-mehek sama mereka, hehehe
Beda dengan vampir jaman jadul kayak Dracula nya Bram Stoker Dracula, disana mereka keliatan lebih nyeremin ketimbang vampir jaman sekarang, mungkin seiring perubahan jaman, yah, penampilah mereka harus diperbaiki dong, biar ga kalah sama manusianya, hahahaha...
Kemarin saya iseng ngomong ngmong tentang novel atau film atau serial yang bertemakan vampir-vampir cakep ini sama beberapa teman, berhubung saya juga salah satu penggemarnya (malah saya sempat gabung sama salah satu situs fansclub movie tentang vampir-vampir ini, hehehe) dan kami ngomongin para vampir cowok yang cakep-cakep ini, waktu saya bilang,
" sayang ya, vampir-vampir ini cuma tokoh semata, ga ada di dunia nyata, n bahkan vampir aja cuman tokoh buatan manusia, kyak Donald Bebek, Winnie The Pooh, mereka semua ga ada di real world..."
walah, malah teman saya terus nyeletuk,
" ihh, ga papa ada vampir di dunia nyata , asal vampir-vampirnya cakep-cakep kayak yang di TV..."
Waduh - waduh, sindrom tergila-gila ma vampir ini hampir udah menjangkiti semua cewek-cewek, n semakin meningkat tiap waktunya dan malahan sampai ada yang berharap para vampir cowok yang cakep ini beneran ada...
Yang perlu kita sadari n bener bener kita inget adalah tokoh-tokoh vampir ini cuman buatan manusia semata. So, se-gimanapun kita ngefans nya ma mereka, jangan sampe kita kehilangan akal sehat dan ga bisa ngebedain mana yang beneran n mana yang khayalan, hehe..
Nih, foto beberapa vampir-vampir cowok yang cakep-cakep...
Boys Of True Blood
Boys of The Vampire Diaries
Boys Of The Twilight Saga
Tuh, mereka pada cakep-cakep kan....
Rabu, 19 Mei 2010
Perfume - The Story of Murderer
Perfume - The Story Of Murderer
Saya berusan liat film ini, n gak tau kudu komentar apa...
Sebenarnya ceritanya sih sederhana (hahahaha), tentang seseorang yang emang punya bakat di bidang bau-bauan sejak lahir, tapi yang bikin film ini jadi ga sederhana lagi adalah obsesi si tokoh utama, yaitu Jean Baptiste Grenouille (mudah-mudahan gak salah tulis) untuk mengumpulkan bau-bau an dari seluruh bumi ini, terutama bau ato aroma dari perawan yang ternyata jadi aroma ato bau-bau an favoritnya, impiannya adalah menciptakan sebuah parfum dari aroma perawan-perawan tersebut.
Setelah mengetahui cara mengekstraksi aroma menjadi sebuah parfum, Jean Baptiste mulai membunuh perawan-perawan untuk mendapatkan aroma dari tubuh mereka. hiiiii.......
Film ini dibuat berdasar novel dengan judul yang sama (di Indonesia dah ada kok, tapi saya belum baca) dan nilai moral dari film ini paling gak dari film ini kita jadi tau, dari seluruh kelainan di dunia ini, ada juga kelainan yang tipe macam gini (hehehe, gak mutu banget comment-nya), terlepas, apakah ini cerita nyata ato gak (habis di filmnya gak dikasih tau ini cerita nyata atau gak)
Afterall, film ini menurut saya, film ini termasuk film yang berkualitas buat ditonton, karena emang mengandung nilai seni yang tinggi dan dengan ide cerita yang emang bagus banget dan sulit ditebak jalan ceritanya,,,
(buat yang dah cukup umur lho ya, yang masih kecil jangan nonton film ini, coz ada unsur pembunuhannya)
nih, saya kasih link untuk nonton trailernya dari youtube,,,
(copypaste aja link diatas, trus go,,, ntar langsung nyambung, hehehe)
nah Selamat Menonton,,,
Marriage and life expectancy
Rostock, Germany (May, 12th 2010). Marriage is more beneficial for men than for women - at least for those who want a long life. Previous studies have shown that men with younger wives live longer. While it had long been assumed that women with younger husbands also live longer, in a new study Sven Drefahl from the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock, Germany, has shown that this is not the case. Instead, the greater the age difference from the husband, the lower the wife's life expectancy. This is the case irrespective of whether the woman is younger or older than her spouse. Related to life expectancy choosing a wife is easy for men - the younger the better. The mortality risk of a husband who is seven to nine years older than his wife is reduced by eleven percent compared to couples where both partners are the same age. Conversely, a man dies earlier when he is younger than his spouse.
For years, researchers have thought that this data holds true for both sexes. They assumed an effect called "health selection" was in play; those who select younger partners are able to do so because they are healthier and thus already have a higher life expectancy. It was also thought that a younger spouse has a positive psychological and social effect on an older partner and can be a better caretaker in old age, thereby helping to extend the partner's life.
"These theories now have to be reconsidered", says Sven Drefahl from MPIDR. "It appears that the reasons for mortality differences due to the age gap of the spouses remain unclear." Using data from almost two million Danish couples, Drefahl was able to eliminate the statistical shortcomings of earlier research, and showed that the best choice for a woman is to marry a man of exactly the same age; an older husband shortens her life, and a younger one even more so (see figure 1 in extra figure sheet http://www.demogr.mpg.de/files/press/1813_Figures.pdf).
According to Drefahl's study, published May 12th in the journal Demography, women marrying a partner seven to nine years younger increase their mortality risk by 20 percent. Hence, "health selection" can't be true for women; healthy women apparently don't go chasing after younger men. While many studies on mate selection show that women mostly prefer men the same age, most of them end up with an older husband. In the United States, on average a groom is 2.3 years older than his bride. (see figure 2 in extra figure sheet http://www.demogr.mpg.de/files/press/1813_Figures.pdf). "It's not that women couldn't find younger partners; the majority just don't want to", says Sven Drefahl.
It is also doubtful that older wives benefit psychologically and socially from a younger husband. This effect only seems to work for men. "On average, men have fewer and lesser quality social contacts than those of women," says Sven Drefahl. Thus, unlike the benefits of a younger wife, a younger husband wouldn't help extend the life of his older wife by taking care of her, going for a walk with her and enjoying late life together. She already has friends for that. The older man, however, doesn't.
This means that women don't benefit by having a younger partner, but why does he shorten their lives? "One of the few possible explanations is that couples with younger husbands violate social norms and thus suffer from social sanctions," says Sven Drefahl. Since marrying a younger husband deviates from what is regarded as normal, these couples could be regarded as outsiders and receive less social support. This could result in a less joyful and more stressful life, reduced health, and finally, increased mortality.
While the new MPIDR study shows that marriage disadvantages most women when they are not the same age as their husband, it is not true that marriage in general is unfavourable. Being married raises the life expectancy of both men and women above those that are unmarried. Women are also generally better off than men; worldwide their life expectancy exceeds that of men by a few years.